Contact the Halverson Law Legal Team

When you contact the team at Halverson Law, you reach a boutique law firm providing small businesses legal services with a niche focus on i502 cannabis business counsel. We also enjoy helping individuals with Intellectual Property, including trademark, copyright and patents, and Personal Injury.

Our office is spacious, beautiful, and comfortable. In 2019, we celebrated the expansion of our business and now offer even more space for client meetings. We offer conference rooms for meetings and for mediation services. Additionally, we are conveniently located near Seattle in Normandy Park, Washington. We have ample off street parking and are within walking distance of great food choices.

When you visit the Halverson Law office, we are quick to greet you and offer you a coffee, or as we like to call them a Halverson Lawtte.

You can reach our office by filling out the form below or calling us at 206-489-2712. If an attorney is not available to speak right away, we will schedule a call back. Our goal is to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours. We’re standing by to help you with your case.

About Hakverson Law

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Located in Normandy Park, Washington

19655 First Ave South, Suite 106, Normandy Park, Washington 98148